Regular issue 4(1) of the journal «Nature Conservation Research» has been released

The regular issue 4(1) of the journal "Nature Conservation Research" ( has been released today. It is stored here: The cover shows Ptilium crista-castrensis in the Taimyr State Reserve (Russia) (author: Dr.Sc. V.E. Fedosov).
This issue of the journal "Nature Conservation Research" contains articles devoted to different taxonomic groups of vertebrates, invertebrates, bryophytes, lichens in Europe and Asia. It includes an overview of the problem of parasite conservation, results of research of lichen and aquatic invertebrate diversity in some Russian Protected Areas, status of western Anser erythropus population, ecology of different species of amphibians, mammals, orthopterans, serum prevalence to non-viral pathogens in wild felids of Russian Far East, distribution of bryophyte Ptilium crista-castrensis in Eastern Europe.